Monday, August 21, 2023

Hakodate -2 nights

I know I know. I stopped blogging.  But my heart was left in Hakodate and if I write about it, it ended.  

We arrived in Hakodate freaking tired.  Car rides are fun but exhausting.  Kenny is great at driving on the left, until he tries to kill me.  No but seriously.  He’s a natural.  Did we tell you that the stop signs are triangles and not like the rest of the world?

Anyway, tired and we needed food.  Tempura donburi is a bowl of tempura over rice and it’s delicious. I found this mom and pop run place, with 5 seats.  Luckily, they had 2 seats available for us.  Lucky lucky us.  

This is the whole place. 

The eggplant is our favorite right now.  Salmon tempura is better than you think.  The smelt is a bit fishy here but we don’t care.  

I can watch him cook all day.  

Our hotel had a lovely onsen.  So of course we enjoyed it. Naked so no pics. Lol.  

In the morning we went to the fish market and had our normal morning kaisendon.  Tuna was my favorite today but all together, not a great meal. 

I always tell my patients that they should know that pics are lies: 

You can’t tell but I was dying in this pic.  Something was kicking my butt.  At one point I considered calling my mom because I was in the midst of a heat stroke/stomach virus. But it passed.  Kenny wanted to return to the room but we can’t let a little thing like my stomach punching me from the inside out slow us down.  Instead, we do Starbucks. 

There are kiwi pieces at the bottom of this strawberry passionfruit slushy and the whipped cream....i can swim in that whipped cream.  

I felt much better and we started up again.  Along our walk, we discovered this: 

These were divine.  This picture does not do it justice.  

Millions of peaches, peaches for me!!! These are not regular American peaches.  These are some heavenly Japanese peaches with a white peach, yellow peach mixed flavor and the smell....oh if blogs could smell.  

Just a small bottle of whisky. No big deal.   

“Honey, they have penis shaped cookies”. “No, hun, that’s a squid” 🤣

We went back to the room.  Got our car.  Drove to a drug store and this potato factory store.  They sell 50 kinds of potatoes. 

My ice cream was also potato flavored. Made from nozanrubie potatoes.  It was delicious.  At first taste, just ice cream but the more I ate the more it tasted like potatoes.   Delicious.  

By now, we are exhausted.  Back to the room to shower and get ready for dinner.  Dinner was a hassle.  We weren’t starving as we were eating all day long.  Like all day.   We mostly wanted drinks. Kenny found this great yakitori place.  We, ok, I had 3 drinks.  I was having a great time.  

Meet our two friends.   They came to eat and started talking to us.   Before long, they were telling us to order eggs and fish and there was this green drink.  I didn’t order it but took a sip of his.    Fffffuuuuudge it was so good.  We asked them were to get breakfast because really, this mornings breakfast was nothing to write home about. So I snap pics of their phone.   We spoke some in Japanese. Some in English and a little with translation app.  We laughed a lot.  This is our favorite part of travelling.

These men did not disappoint.   We had a great breakfast.  Pictures are lacking cuz I was too busy feeding my face.

Tiny place run by 3 ladies.  Lovely 3 ladies.  I might move in with them. 
The guys kept telling us, small plates.  Boom boom boom boom.....the sound they were making trying to show us small plates.  These veggies were a great addition to breakfast.  So good.  Thanks guys!! (no i don't even know their names). 
So i'm obsessed with Ikura.  Like I can't stop eating it and Kenny thinks i'm insane.  He doesn't think it's that different from NY but it is.  Some people get bowls with just Ikura in it.  I like the way it's left at the end of my meal and mixes in with the rice and makes my rice really yummy.  I know, not the greatest pic but i can't promise I will stop taking pics like this.  Ikura wa oishii desu.  (i've been taking Japanese for not long enough but a couple of months so i can say things like this and make the store owners super happy.... it says, Ikura is tasty). Also, if my acupuncturist is reading this, see, my japanese isn't horrible.  

I can’t explain why but I will miss Hakodate a lot.  

night view from room
Day view from room. 


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