Saturday, August 26, 2023

Last day and thoughts.

 We packed really quick and had breakfast before heading out   I wish we planned for 5 hours at Haneda   Not 3  so if you go  plan for more   

We boarded a luxury Uber   I say boarded because it felt like a flight   

Ok   I know   Stupid details   We made it to our flight finally, almost running like crazy people   What? I had last last minute shopping to do. All the yen is gone   I didn’t get ice cream   Just saying  

We dream of Japan for a few reasons.  mostly, the precision and order.  I think for the Japanese, it feels like a prison but for a traveler, it's calming.  We love the way things are made and handled.  Kenny wishes he kept a list of the things he found interesting.  First there’s the kindness of the people.  Always welcoming of the visitor.  Always running to help you.  Often going out of their way.  We sometimes felt embarrassed.  If you want to go hide, I’m not sure Japan is the place for you because you are seen. At the same time, it’s super quiet in many ways.  Like the metros and elevators. People are almost silent.  

I will miss the Japanese tv a lot.  I think I watched at least 1 hour every night.  I loved the shows.  And i had a running commentary in my head.  My favorite show was one were they took clips from all over the world and made fun of it.  I laughed so hard.  

Konbinis - I don’t know how many times we said, if only our 7-11’s were like this.  I plan on making somethings at home: onigiri and egg salad sandwiches.   I want to do my own high tea one day….anyone want to come?  I will do it alone but more fun with others. I have promised Kenny some grilled onigiri.  

We love eating at tiny hole in the walls and we did really great with this.  Some incredible people.  I don’t want fish for a very long time…though I’m sure my nephew has a few places to take me to.  

I realize we didn’t do SOOOO much.  But how can you?  It’s like when people come to NY, how can they see or do it all in a few days?  Like I said to Kenny, it’s fine, we’ll do it next time. 

Btw.  I got a text message from my guy Teiji this morning saying that the tempura place called him to thank us.  He was so moved that now he wants to go himself.  That’s awesome.   I wish I had exchanged numbers with my old guys in Hakodate.   They were just so cute. 

So…that is it.  I’m out.  12 hours….6 movies. Maybe 7.  Guess who’s already asleep?? Lol.  (I’m not spell checking this one cuz I’m tired!) 

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Last day and thoughts.

 We packed really quick and had breakfast before heading out   I wish we planned for 5 hours at Haneda   Not 3  so if you go  plan for more ...