Saturday, August 19, 2023

Noboribetsu and Lake Toya

 After the earthquake woke me, I stayed awake and the moment Kenny opened his eyes, i was ready for a hike.  So by 6 am, we headed to Hell's Valley (Jigokudani).  It was right behind our hotel but still a nice hike. I think i finished my exercise circle by 7 am.  Which, by the way, we were already sitting down to a traditional japanese breakfast by 7 am. 

Fish for breakfast is so delicious.  I'm not one to care what i eat at which meal and how I eat it;  As you all will soon find out.  After breakfast, we shopped a bit and checked out of the hotel by 9:20 am.  My videos aren't uploading but there is a video of how our car came out of the spot in the hotel.  

By 9:20, i'm insisting on another hike.  Because i'm a bit nuts.  Kenny is asking me if i'm certain.  Well, I am certain of 2 things.  I want to do the hike and I will die while doing it.  LOL  

I"ll do new posts of the hike, but we went to Oyunuma, Oka no Yu, and the River Oyunuma Natural Footpath.  Do you know how i get rewarded with doing so much all before 10 am?  Well of course with my favorite drink and ice cream. 

From there, we drove to Lake Toya and went up Mt. Usu Ropeway.  I'll but that in a separate post too.  Finally made our way to Hakodate.  A lovely 2.5 hour drive.    All worth it I think.  

1 comment:

  1. Earthquake? How scary. I keep forgetting about the fault lines that go through Japan. I am glad you are both okay, earthquakes can be jarring. I love that you are having fish for breakfast. I also don't need to have certain foods for certain meals. Your food pictures are making me so hungry and jealous. Can't wait to see all the pictures of the hike. You both have my full respect for driving on the left side of the road. That is so freaking intense. Loving the blog and the pictures.


Last day and thoughts.

 We packed really quick and had breakfast before heading out   I wish we planned for 5 hours at Haneda   Not 3  so if you go  plan for more ...