Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Sapporo Day 2

 Jet lag is still pretty strong. I was wondering today if i will have 2 weeks of jet lag here just to adjust and go home to 2 weeks of jet lag there.  Imagine.  Actually, today was better and we took it easy.  Our trip really starts tomorrow.  These three nights were only aimed for adjustment.  

Mini breakfast before breakfast, because ....well, why not?

I realize that my niece might gag at the sight of mayo and my sister might not like the undercookedness of the eggs, but for all the rest of  I forgot how freaking delicious this was.  I will have to do the three konbini egg salad taste test during this trip but 7-11 was great.  We had this with coffee.  

Then off to the Sapporo Curb Market.  We again had a Kaisendon breakfast.  This was way better than yesterday and I wish you could taste the fish.  

That first piece pictured, which was my last piece was the nicest piece of tuna every.  It came with a very kelp filled miso soup that somehow just worked. Green tea and sushi for breakfast is my favorite thing. Ohcha to sushi des.  

We explored the market, bought some miso stuff. Ate more.  It was a lot of fun but also back to the room we went.  

After resting, we went shopping,  Then we rested some more.  Then we went out again.  More shopping..  I spend a lot of money on hair and skin supplies (not really, but i'd like to pretend i did).  And then.....of course, what else but the onsen.  

We took 4 modes of transportation:  Bus, Train, Taxi, and walking.  I include walking because even when we rested most of the day and took all these other modes of transport, we still managed 20,350 steps and 8.01 miles.  Good times.  In Tokyo, there is this crossing called Shibuya and it'f famous because you can cross in three different directions from each corner.  It's so packed that it's rather amazing.  In Sapporo, this is actually quite average and very ingenious.  What a time saver to do this.  

The subways make us happy....look at the organization, clean and so easy to use.  

Right after we shopped for the second time in 1 9pm.  


  1. Besides the undercooked eggs 🤢, the food looks amazing.

  2. Will you remember all those names when you come back?

  3. That food looks AMAZING and the egg salad look so yummy. I love those crosswalks. They have them also in Chinatown in Oakland. You are getting so much done in such a short amount of time. Love the look on your faces in your photos, you both look happy and like you are having fun


Last day and thoughts.

 We packed really quick and had breakfast before heading out   I wish we planned for 5 hours at Haneda   Not 3  so if you go  plan for more ...