Friday, August 11, 2023

We're Back

 We are back.  That's right, after a long hiatus and not going on any major trips, Kenny and I are back.  This is a special trip.  I'm turning 50!!!!! Ok, I know, I shouldn't be excited about 50 but in some crazy way I am.  Truth be told, I was panicking a few months ago, can this be, it's old,  but now, only 2 weeks out, I don't know, it's growing on me.  I'm excited.  

I digress.  We are going to JAPAN....specifically Hokkaido which is an island north of the main Island of Japan.  It will be a LONG haul there but very excited for this trip.  The other thing that makes this a bit special (besides our 18th anniversary and my birthday) is that I'm finally willing to share this blog with not just my 2 loyal followers.  This has made Kenny a bit nervous. We will be alright though. 

So, in classic Kenny Gui style, we are not packed and still have a ton of work to do.  But we have all of our hotel rooms booked.  Big step for us.  Our adventure starts tomorrow.

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Last day and thoughts.

 We packed really quick and had breakfast before heading out   I wish we planned for 5 hours at Haneda   Not 3  so if you go  plan for more ...