Sunday, August 13, 2023

Planes Planes Planes and a Train?

So it was a long long haul.  Interesting trip.  For starters, we had a short 3 hour flight to Minneapolis.  I didn't sleep, but of course, Kenny had a nap.  Then onto our long haul, 13 hours to Haneda Airport.  I was planning on taking my evening nap/sleep on this flight.  But dear sweet man on the other side of the plane had a different idea.  He thought that when the cabin lights went off, and the flight attendants closed your shades, it was his clue to open his shade to use it as a light source.  No no, the over head light was not an option to him.  I don't think he knew how to use it.  So he kept opening and closing the shade.  Needless to say, i wanted to KILL him,  At one point, he got up to go to the bathroom and i gave him a dirty look from 8 seats away, but he saw, so he lowered the shade some more, but in a dark flight, even a sliver of light is too much light. I tried my eye mask, but it was too I tossed an turned while Kenny managed some sleep.  

Now we are in Haneda.  Since we had to go through immigration, then get our luggage, then go through customs, of course eat, and change terminals.  I gave us like 5 hours.  I thought, that should keep us safe.  Well, we got our QR codes on the plane (right before we left minneapolis because i forgot earlier).  So QR code in hand, we went to immigration,  I did mine, stepped aside for Kenny to do his.  While he was, I saw our bag so I ran, grabbed it and came back to Kenny, who finished and saw me with luggage.  Yes, that fast.  

Next QR code in hand, we used the machine to declare NOTHING and then we walked out of customs.  We exchanged some money, walked over to the shuttle bus to make our way to the next terminal.  This was all done in under 1 hour.  I had given us at least 2 hours for this.  We walked around Terminal 1.  Super hungry and grouchy, both getting really tired. We finally found a nice tempura restaurant and had some veggie tempura, rice, and tea.  Goal was to make it to a 7-11 and grab sandwiches and Onigiri too.  But we made it to the gate and essentially passed out.  Except for annoying me.  Honey, i need to charge my phone, we need to move our seats.  Honey, I can't take the lack of AC the phone is charged enough, let move to the AC spot.  And, as murphy's law would have it, any seat I saw, someone else grabbed before we sat.  So the gate next to ours left and we finally grabbed seats. Now, our flight is delayed,  but we are super tired and I'm worried that if we sleep, we miss our flight.  So Kenny sleeps, I stay away (you see a theme here?) but finally, i just can't anymore, and as i fall asleep (maybe 20 minutes) he wakes me that our flight is ready to board.  ANOTHER QR code in hand. I wish I could have taped this.  400+ people boarded this plane effectively and in 30 minutes.  We had the best seats so I took another 30 minute nap.  JAL is the best airline.  

Fun things we saw on the luggage carousel:  umbrella, walking stick,   paper shopping bag filled with stuff, but closed with a tag, under the seat small carry on.  We were amazed on how little the Japanese brought onto the plane and how much they gave to the checked in.  OF COURSE, our bag was the last and final bag on the carousel.   Probably because we checked in so freaking early.  But at this point, we are totally tired and totally in awe of how efficient everyone is in Japan.  There was even a bin to put the luggage tags in before you left the area.  The JR train line was right there.  Machine had english, I bought the ticket and we jumped onto the train.  I said, Kenny, let me make sure we are on the right train, I look at the ticket, I look out, I see we are on the wrong train and the door closes on me.  LOL!!  Kenny gets a panicked look,,,, where are we going.  I said.  Calm DOWN, we are on the earlier train so our tickets for the reserved seats are on the other train.  Whatever, we sit anyway.  The ticket guy comes to us.  NO english, I'm saying sorry wrong train.  He says, this train 127, your train 122.  I know, i'm sorry.  It's ok?  It's ok.  YES!!!!!!!  We make it to our stop.  We find the south Exit.  And now what?

I"m really tired at this point.  Like it's been 27hours, i managed 1 hr of rest.  My brain hurts, i'm in a new city.  3 plane rides, one wrong train ride, kill me now and you want me to read the google maps too?  Fine, it was a short 5 minute walk, once i got my bearings.  

The Solaria Nishitetsu Sapporo is a gorgeous hotel.  Clean, nice, great amenities, small but nice room.  I"ll tell you more tomorrow.  

1 comment:

  1. I was in suspense the whole time thinking.....They were on the wrong train oh no!!!! gosh that sounds a super long journey, lots of lay overs and different kind of travel and you did it all with only 1 hour of sleep... WOW!!! I would have still been asleep in the airport :)


Last day and thoughts.

 We packed really quick and had breakfast before heading out   I wish we planned for 5 hours at Haneda   Not 3  so if you go  plan for more ...