Tuesday, August 22, 2023

New Chitose Airport

 Goodbye Hokkaido.  I’m suddenly really sad and really excited both at once.  So sad to say goodbye to Hokkaido and so happy to go home to Tokyo.  It’s been way too long. But let’s say our final goodbyes.  We drove back to Sapporo to return the car after breakfast.  It was the easiest drive I had planned the entire trip.  

We had to get gas before our return of the car and this gas station was just fascinating.  Why don't we have this everywhere??

The rental car return was super easy.  We didn't even have to go inside.  We were done in about 5 minutes and walked to the train station. 
Our view from first and last day in Hokkaido. We will miss you Sapporo.  
This baggage machine was insane.  It even gave us a heavy bag tag....no extra charge, just a heavy bag.  New Chitose Airport is INSANE.  It's huge.  It has 2 movie theaters, hotel, and onsen.  It has so much going, floors of restaurants, a chocolate factory, etc etc and all of this before security. 

I couldn't capture how huge this food court was.  

OMG, tiny kid sink.  So cute.  

We spend about 26 minutes watching this lady make Soba noodles.  She started with a small circle.  This was close to when we were giving up.  I really wanted to see her cut them.  But it was just too long.  

Chocolate Factory:

So Kenny sais i was taking too many photos of egg salad sandwiches.  Many of which i did not post.  I think we had maybe 1 a day, sometimes sharing 1 and sometimes 1 each.  Anyway, we opted for tuna at the airport.  Also delicious.  


Little kid bag. I guess she wanted to get her bag from the carousel?

I know i said this in an earlier post but here it is, a plastic bag, filled with stuff.  I would never dare.  

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Last day and thoughts.

 We packed really quick and had breakfast before heading out   I wish we planned for 5 hours at Haneda   Not 3  so if you go  plan for more ...