Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Otaru -2nights

Oh Otaru. Cute city but what’s up with the amount of tourists?? This town is very close to Sapporo which also makes for a great day trip in.  We could have done it that way but I chose to stay 2 nights to feel the city more. 

We checked in. Decided not to settle and just take a walk.  Cute on first site. 

Otaru is known for its glass so there are glass chimes everywhere.  

We decided that we hadn’t had proper sushi and we should maybe try tonight.  We went to 3 places and were rejected.  No room.  Reservations only.  So I opened up my Google maps and lo and behold, we are standing next to a tempura restaurant.  Fancy that.  With much fear and trepidation, we walk in and they have room.  ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰ (music playing in my ear).  Needless to say, another small hole in the wall spot. 

This is the whole place. Another hubby wife place. 

Smelt is so good in tempura.  If only it had its egg sac. 

This mushroom was soooo freaking good.  I forget what kind it was though I know it if i see it.  Tempura is really filling and the rice is so good.  
Famous Otaru canal at night.  It was pretty. 

Good Morning, we are ready for our morning market. 

But first, coffee.  

So we ate at this place and I saw outside that they let this lady hold the big crab and take a pic.  So of course, I wanted to.  Kenny was like, no way, you won't hold it.  But it wasn't that bad.  By the time this video came about, I had been holding him for a while, loosened my hair to look cute and then....oh this crab was mad.  His small front tentacles were coming at my face.  Hehe...Sorry. 

This clock tower blows steam and plays music.  We were there for the music but we missed the steam.

Monchichi monchichi, girl doll and boy doll. IFYKYK
We shopped and then we started our nibbling tour of Otaru. At one point, i was a bit sick from eating.  
This is super hot out of the oven, delicious buttery goodness.  

whatever this chocolatey goodness was, we need to find it and bring some home.  wow with the samples. 

Cheesecake, not ice cream. 

Cream puffs are my life. 

This happened.  Later post to follow. 

This brings us to the night.  We are exhausted, so we do what any other person would do, we go to the hotel Onsen,  I imagine this is our last onsen.  And because we went at 3pm.  I was ALL ALONE.  I was getting used to being naked with random Asian women but I really really enjoyed being all alone.  
Fresh and ready to face the night.  Remember, this reservation thing is hanging on our heads but we have decided to head out early.  See how that works.  

Random garden on the street in front of his house.  Good tomatoes

Lots and lots of rejection, 1 return to the hotel to see if they could help, they could not.  and we decided to go to the Yakitori place.  We got lucky, there were 2 seats ready for us.  Before long, we were joined by a Hong Kong couple.  Alan and his wife were great.  We had some fun conversations and exchanged numbers. 

This grilled rice was EVERYTHING.  Crunchy yummy goodness. 

I see happy hour in our future.....

Grilled quail eggs are something delicious.  

We died for these eggplants.  It was so good.  I didn't take pics of everything.  Like always, I was too excited to eat and then Kenny would remind me that i'm the official photographer of the food.  Oh well. 

Second morning, back to the market.  

Lets discuss their miso soup.  Hokkaido miso soup has this slimy thing in it.  I assume it's a kind of seaweed that is famous up here.  It's gross looking but somehow still quite enjoyable.  

I only put one pic of the ikura rice concoction......but the other pic was so good, the rice was a different color from the juices.....I'm in ikura heaven.  

Goodbye Otaru, it's been real.  

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Last day and thoughts.

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